Monday, 17 March 2014

Emily's Hair - One little girl who helps children with cancer.

Please watch the video below:

This remarkable video came up on my Facebook News Feed today and I was very moved by it. Its tells the wonderful story about a girl called Emily James who has beautiful long hair. However she has decided to have a hair cut and instead of throwing the excess hair away, she is donating it to children who have cancer and don't have their hair anymore.

To me this little girl represents the future of humanity. She has recognised that there are children that get sick with Cancer and due to their treatment lose their hair. This made Emily feel sad and made her do something about it. By contributing her hair to a charity that makes wigs for children affected by Cancer she is making a difference. She has also seen that having no hair can be upsetting for any child and they can go through very rough times and even be picked on by other children who don't know what the other child is going through.

Emily is one very generous and amazing child. At the age of three I as a childcare practitioner am amazed that such an act can come from someone so young and delicate. She is a true inspiration to us all and I just had to share this on my blog because I feel like she is setting a brilliant example for other children. She is selfless and caring and that's all that matters. Well done Emily, this caring and selfless act has touched many hearts and has really made my day!

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